Still in La-La Land...

...And lovin' every minute.
Julius has been doing so many new things. It seems that he is right on schedule for his adjusted age. On Monday, he will be 5 months old, but not quite 3 months old adjusted. He is lifting his head so well!!! He is still laughing and cooing and smiling. He is such a sweet baby. HIs routine consists of about 18-20 hours of sleep per day (I know; it seems like a lot, but it's normal, I swear!). I will feed him, then play with him (playing can mean smiling at him, moving his arms and legs, or even just leaving him in his bouncer while I clean house) until I see a yawn. Then I put him in bed and he is happy as a clam to get some rest. He smiles even while I'm leaving him to sleep in his crib. Every once in awhile, he'll stay awake for about 30 minutes, just talking himsellf to sleep. Then, about 2 hours later, he wakes up, smiling again, ready to eat! He is such a joy...I really do believe this little guy is going to have the best outlook on life!
Lumuli and I took him on his first official public outing to Fred Meyer (he's been to friend's and family's homes, but no public areas) on Sunday. He did well. I also took him to the mall on Monday (not enough crowds on a Monday to get nervous :) ). He was a little fussy, because he was tired and having a hard time sleeping in his stroller, but he did well.
As much as he's been smiling, it has been difficult to get a good shot of it. I did get a little something the other day, though. I hope you enjoy the photos!
Greetings from us in Naitiri,Good Easter holidays to Julius pryce , mother and yourself too.
Your old friend Lumuli is on his terminal stage of life as he is bed rock due to extended heart and grossly lungs, may be you ring +254 0729 609 582 to get his last message to you as he prefers your name to his. Josphat Lumuli
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