February 23, 2007

I can't believe Julius is almost 4 months old! Time flys when you have someone to take care of :). I can't believe how my entire day can be finished before it even feels like it's begun. A job in the house is never done!
Here are a couple of beautiful facts about how God makes preemies:
1. Did you know that the milk in a mother's breast when she gives birth early is perfectly suited for HER preemie? The preemie needs extra nutrients that he cannot get from normal breast milk.
2. Julius is considered to be only the age of when he was due. So, although he is four months out of my tummy, he still is only considered 7 weeks, since he was due on the 3rd of Jan.
He is growing well. I always think he is a giant, but then I see him in someone else's arms and he still looks sooo tiny. I figure the reason I think he is so big is because I have a bit of "lens distortion". He always fills up most of my eyeballs because he is always so close!
The most fun for me at this age is the cooing. Oh my! That is just the sweetest thing. He talks to us as if we know exactly what he is saying. We like to talk back with him and he enjoys our deep conversations.
He is super strong...I can feel his tiny bicep! He pushes himself up with his legs. He also lifts his head high - except when I want to get a cute shot of it. He still sleeps fairly well. He wakes up usually a couple of times a night. That's fine with me, though. It makes me feel better, actually, when he wakes up, because I don't have to worry about him not eating enough.
As you can see, he is looking more and more like his daddy every day. Enjoy the photos!